I have officially popped! I can tell that there is a big difference when people at work are seeing me walk by and say "Chels....your pregnant"...why thank you! I think the belly touching has begun, and I'm loving it. I just can't help but look down and smile! Other than having to get up a few times a night to pee, things are wonderful at this stage of pregnancy. I am assured that it won't be so delightful soon.
In other news, Ben is MIA this weekend. Some guys dragged him against his will to go to the Kansas/Texas football game this weekend, in Kansas, as VIP, to sit in the defensive coordinator's family box, and stay at his house. OK, so Ben didn't need a lot of convincing or dragging. But He was so cute, as I'm dropping him off at the airport he whispers in me ear "I'm going to my first college football game" with his cute grin on his face. So hopefully Kansas wins so that their trip ends on a good note!
I have started 2 new jobs at the moment. I know, before you think that I am crazy, check out how much it cost for a plane ticket to California. I started as a seasonal employee at Potter Barn a few weeks ago and have worked about 1-2 days a week. It really is not much due to the economic state right now. Not a lot of places can afford a heavy pay roll. PB usually hires around 25 seasonals a year and this year they hired 7....not a ton of people flocking to buy candles and throw pillows right now. But none the less, i am loving my "brainless" job as I call it. I love going to work and not having to do much else besides be nice and take their money. No Executive Summaries to calculate here!
My other job that I have possibly not so wisely ventured upon right now is Pampered Chef. Yes, I am a new consultant. Here is how this started...two friends of mine, Anna and Melissa and I went to a Pampered Chef party a few weeks ago and saw a couple things that we would love to have in our kitchens. So we manufactured up this amazing plan to work the system and all be consultants together under one name and work as a team. So some how, I was chosen to be the "one person" to sign up. So far we have had one party and to our surprise we sold $500 worth! So we have 30 days to test it out and see how it goes. So if anyone would like to host a party, please let me know!