Friday, February 27, 2009

One Month to go!

Today is Feb 27th and exactly ONE month until our official due date! Although I would not be sad if little baby decided to come early at this point. Ben and I completed our 6 week Lamaze classes a few weeks ago and really learned a lot. I highly recommend taking a class to prepare mommy and daddy for D-Day. We decided to try and deliver with out any pain meds, but are not completely ruling out the possibility in the event that labor takes like 48 hours or something. Women have been doing this since the beginning of time right? I am more just trying to focus on the amazing way that the Lord has designed our bodies to handle birth and rest in the fact that my body is going to do what it is designed to do. One funny thing we learned in Lamaze is our teacher showed us a video of a lady in labor who with every contraction she would breathe in really long and while exhaling yell out "I CANNNNN DO ITTTTTT" was real hard for Ben and I to watch this with a straight face. But all that to say.....we are ready for baby...

1 comment:

MIL and FIL said...

Whheeuuu--hhoooo...counting the days!!! Love the pictures!!!